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  3. What to Look for in a Shipping Partner

Compliance & Sustainability: What to Look For in a Shipping Partner

If you’re wondering how to achieve fashion and luxury logistics compliance, look no further. In this article, we go over exactly what to look for in a logistics partner so you can ship high-value goods with confidence.

The previous five articles in this series touched on a number of important subjects relative to compliance and sustainability as they pertain to imports and exports in the fashion and luxury industries. We broadly explained what compliance and sustainability mean in fashion and luxury, what individual subjects live within compliance and sustainability, why compliance and sustainability matter, what the risks are of non-compliance and/or non-sustainability and how your shipping partner matters as a component of your brand’s compliance and sustainability program.

This last article in the series hopes to answer what should be an extremely important question for any brand relative to the previous subjects discussed:

What should I look for in a logistics partner to help me navigate a complex regulatory environment essential to my brand’s ability to do business across borders, while ensuring compliance and sustainability in my import-export strategies?

Let’s go over exactly what you should look for. 

#1 – Look for a partner that specializes in fashion & luxury

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, a logistics company that is a fashion and luxury specialist is most likely to be most versed in the nuances of how compliance and sustainability apply to these unique industries. 

Most companies in logistics service many or even all industries. Some companies in logistics will potentially serve fashion and luxury as one of a number of industries. There are, however, very few companies in the space that serve fashion and luxury only. A great shipping partner has familiarity with how laws, regulations, agencies and even the same national agency at different ports of entry apply to fashion and luxury specifically. As with any industry, overarching laws and regulations apply to that industry uniquely and individually, and there is no substitute for hyper-focus on only fashion and luxury by 100% of the team members of your logistics partner.

#2 – Look for an experienced partner

Deeply related to speciality is depth of experience. And there are many factors that contribute to this. A logistics company with a long history in the industry has likely encountered a wide range of challenges and developed solutions that are both effective and efficient. This experience allows them to anticipate potential obstacles and proactively address them, minimizing disruptions. It also means the company has built strong relationships with key players in the industry, from Customs officials to airline managers, further enhancing their abilities. 

Here are a few examples of what you should expect from an experienced partner: 

  • Familiarity with governmental agencies. To use an example, a non-specialist logistics company may need to clear goods through an external governmental agency, i.e. US Fish and Wildlife, only so often. Agencies like this can cause excruciating delays, and even confiscations, for shipments that aren’t accompanied by exacting documentation. If your logistics partner is at Fish and Wildlife consistently, even daily, then they are very familiar with what it takes to stay current on all nuances, even at the port of entry level.  
  • Documentation capabilities. Your logistics partner should be able to handle all your documentation needs themselves. For example, since fashion and luxury involves the use of ATA Carnets, your logistics partner should be able to produce carnets without the need to involve outside parties, which can add cost and time to the process. While documentation is ultimately the responsibility of the shipper in a legal sense, your logistics partner should lend a consultative approach here in order to ensure your success.
  • The proper licenses. Your logistics partner should be International Air Transport Association (IATA) licensed, enabling it to work directly with airlines (not through a third party freight forwarder). And where screening is regulated (i.e. in the US), the company should be accredited to screen shipments at their facilities, again eliminating the need for a third party to be involved.

#3 – Look for a partner with offices across the globe

Partnering with a logistics company that has its own offices in all key fashion capitals adds significant depth to the company’s capabilities across multiple departments. This local presence allows for a more seamless operation, with real-time coordination and fewer delays, as teams in different locations can handle logistics tasks on the ground. The ability to respond to challenges such as customs clearances or delivery changes is enhanced, leading to smoother operations overall.

Communication is also improved when a logistics company has teams in various global fashion hubs. It enables faster, more effective exchanges of information between stakeholders, as local teams are able to bridge time zone and language gaps. This leads to better coordination between suppliers, customers, and the logistics provider, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or delays caused by miscommunication.

#4 – Look for a partner with a sustainability program 

As sustainability becomes more and more essential in global commerce, your logistics partner must have a formal sustainability program in place, accredited and rated by an outside independent agency, that can stand up to a full audit. Any claim of sustainability in the supply chain subsequently exposed as false, misleading or incomplete can cause a brand serious reputational harm for a potentially long period of time.

#5 – Look for a partner with great customer service 

24/7/365 human customer service, both available to you and behind the scenes, is essential in a logistics partner. Combining assets into one successful transport involves a lot of moving parts, and there are often encumbrances along the way such as airline delays, customs holds, weather, etc. Having folks able to recognize and solve for these encumbrances on each and every shipment in your logistics partner’s care can be the difference between success and failure when tight deadlines are involved.


In conclusion, choosing the right logistics partner is crucial to ensuring successful shipments. A logistics company’s ability to offer tailored solutions and global reach, combined with deep industry experience, can significantly impact the success of your operations.

Ultimately, the right partner will go beyond simply transporting your shipments – they will act as an extension of your team, helping you overcome challenges and grow your business. Worldnet exemplifies the qualities we’ve mentioned here and may be the only company that embodies each and every attribute. If you are not already partnered with Worldnet, challenge your existing partner to answer all of the above in the affirmative; it may not matter…..until it does!

Ship your fashion and luxury items with utmost confidence. Partner with Worldnet.